I started day 4 off by walking into the classroom around 8:30 and setting up my computer, mouse, charger, and all that to be ready for work. The first thing I did on my computer was take the 3D model of the door stopper I made yesterday and put it back into Ultimaker Cura to be 3D printed again. This time I scaled the size up quite a bit from the original, so it would be big enough to actually stop a door. I did this by first measuring the dimensions of a real door stopper that was nearby, and changing my model to those dimensions. I then downloaded the file from Ultimaker Cura and put it onto a little SD card which I put into the 3D printer and pressed print. It said it would take around 1 hour and 17 minutes to finish printing so in the meantime I worked on the next tutorial.
The next tutorial was a model of a lightbulb which was pretty easy and didn't really have any new things to learn from it. I completed it in around 20-30 minutes and began my next project. When I went to make a new folder I was not able to because I had too many, so I spent around the next 15 minutes taking all the folders with separate models into one folder that had tutorial models 1-9. When that was done, I began to look at the next tutorial which was a model of an IPhone X phone case. But then I decided I would rather make a phone case for the phone I have so I can test it when I'm done. So I began looking for references on the internet when I found the perfect model already made for me with the perfect dimensions. So I decided to just print that one on the 3D printer to see if it would work.
After a little bit of miscommunication in who was going first (it was supposed to be me), I finally got to print the phone case around 2:30, but it said it would take around 1 hour and 26 minutes to complete. So the problem was that class ends at 3:30, and it would finish around 4:00-4:20. But I just ended up staying a bit longer after school and waiting for it to finish. Also, the last thing I did on day 4 while waiting for the phone case to print was start to brainstorm a cool wallet to make and almost get all the dimensions I needed. Overall it was a pretty good day because I was able to make 2 things and brainstorm one that that I could actually use in real life and I was able to start my first project from scratch instead of from a tutorial.
Brainstorming Drawings:
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