Day 9: final touches and preperations (Tori Moore)


Today was when I would need to get all of my modeling done in preparation for tomorrow, so that I could dedicate all my time the next day to printing out my Pokeball.

first, I was able to start printing out that new hinge piece that I had created the previous day to see if the modifications I made would accommodate the screws. Luckly I would not have to make another hinge as the screws fit perfectly.

(Image of the screw in the newly printed out hinge)

Now that I knew that my hole dimensions were correct all I had to do was trim down some unnecessary bulky parts on the hinge and connect the hinge parts to the Pokeball itself.

(Image of me cutting parts out on the hinge)

                                                                                   (Image of the hinge attached to the Pokeball)

(Image of the Pokeball placed in UltiMaker)

After checking that my sizes were correct, I had transferred my Pokeball pieces to UltiMaker. Thanks to some help, I was very surprised that the time for the printing process was able to cut down to only 3 hour and 52 minutes. Considering the task, I thought it would be around 5 hours. 

What does excite me though is that fact that I will be able to incorporate some art into this project as I plan to paint the colors of my choice on the finished project.

The only notable challenge that I came across was trying to scale down the shape of the Pokeball to its actual accurate size. This may be because at first, I wasn't sure if I was using the "Scale" tool correctly, but I was eventually able to figure it out after discovering that I could shrink the object as a whole and not just individual pieces.

(Image of accurate Pokeball measurement, around 70 mm)
