Day 9: Masterpiece in progress (Trey D)

    Today was a fantastic day with much learning and a print. We started the day printing the top of my snail and slug trap. Yesterday we had some trouble printing because we changed the filament to PETG so it would be more durable outside. Learning from our mistakes yesterday, we changed the printing temperature to 240 for the nozzle and 90 for the pad. The print took around an hour and a half and turned out great. I was pleasantly surprised of how clean and durable it looked and the perfect size. After that massive success, I picked up a project abandoned by my friend Eli. The project was about trying to create a hinge using a ball, though after two days, he gave up. I had a bunch of help from Mr. Grisbee, and after about an hour, I figured it out, creating a print-in-place hinge. After that, I moved on to creating a simple piece from Deathly Hollows in Harry Potter. By the time I finished it was the end of the day and I am super proud of all that I have done. I can't wait to see what tomorrow holds!
