Day 9: Zoetrope (Everest)

Everest Leo

3D Modeling and Printing

30 March 2023

Day 9: Zoetrope (Everest)

    It's the second to last day and everyone is getting a little tired and rowdier. It's definitely harder to focus than it was at the start of the m-term but that's to be expected because we are focusing on one thing for so long. Either way, I started the day by printing my Porsche logo model as one piece instead of two and it came out nice. The plan is to color it at some point on my own time but gettin all the intricacies of the logo will be hard.

    Once that was done (and while it was printing) I designed the zoetrope. It took the rest of the day to design and it might not work, but that's the way it goes and that's how you learn, you gotta try. This is the disassembled design so far, it's very crude, but if it works it works. I only have one more day to finish this and see if it works so I really hope I don't need to print too many more test runs.
